Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Interested in growing an organic garden?


I have often though about begin my own garden via the seed route, but then how do I know about the quality of the plant inside? Am I fooling my self in thinking that gardening would be a better route? Well I came across an article about natural seeds, just what I was looking for. 

A lot of the seeds that we purchase through department and hardware store are already tainted with insecticides or fungicides prior to there trip to these locations.

the best way to get "natural" seed are organic and heirloom sources
the link provided will contacts for safe,natural seeds.

Whales misfortune becomes a researcher's laboratory

October 22, 2009

The apparent victim of a ship collision, a dead 70-foot (20-meter) blue whale (pictured) washed ashore in a forbidding northern California cove this week.

Though unable to move the blue whale, scientists and students are leaping at the research opportunity, scrambling down rock faces to take tissue samples and eventually one of the 11-foot-long (3.5-meter-long) flippers.

Though relatively infrequent off California until recent years, ship collisions are "the number one human threat to blue whales," according to marine biologist Joe Cordaro of the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service.

This week's collision, he said, marks the second time this year that a ship off California has fatally wounded a blue whale.

The world's largest animals, blue whales can grow to about a hundred feet (30 meters) long—about the length of a space shuttle. Listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the whales are said to face a very high risk of extinction in the wild, largely due to heavy hunting prior to a 1966 ban.

It is thought that the because of the fresh propeller wound  that a ship was the culprit of this whales demise. Blue Whale Tragedy Turned Scientific Windfall

"I'm as sorry as anybody that that animal perished," said Humboldt State University mammologist Thor Holmes (pictured above atop the whale). But to find "a fresh, female blue whale in a place that's accessible—that is amazing."

On Tuesday, Holmes and two students drove several hours to study the blue whale.

On the shore, the researchers took blubber samples, which Holmes expects will shed light on the whale's pre-collision health.

"Just the fact that the whale has a good, thick blubber layer," he said, "shows it was a really, really healthy animal."

Blue Whale to Be Left in Place

The blue whale will be left on the Fort Bragg beach, the National Marine Fisheries Service's Cordaro said. Given the cove's inaccessibility to vehicles, he added, "That whale ain't going anywhere."

But researchers are planning more tests, including an amputation of one of the blue whale's flippers this week—a potential windfall for an ongoing Humboldt For Holmes, the specimen holds great scientific promise, but also serves as a painful reminder of humanity's role in the blue whale's rarity.

"The presence of that animal on the beach," he said, "is another sign that we're malefactors on this planet."

—Ted Chamberlain

Whale photograph by Larry Wager, AP

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

EPA's Definition of Sustainability

What is sustainability?

The U.S. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 declared as its goal a national policy to "create and maintain conditions under which [humans] and nature can exist in productive harmony, and fulfill the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations of Americans."

The most widely quoted definition internationally is the "Brundtland definition" of the 1987 Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development – that sustainability means "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." (EPA's Region 10 Sustainability Web site provides more information on definitions and history of "Sustainability.")

Region 10 website: http://yosemite.epa.gov/r10/oi.nsf/sustainability/sustainability/

National Biofuels Action Plan


Made by the efforts of the Biomass Research and Development Board

its one year old but this document is fairly easy to read plus it reminded me of Lori Beck lecture with the class.

It starts out by outlining the current problem with fossil fuel production shows a couple of graphs and then the petroleum supply and demand. It follows with the topic of sustainability. Graphs of the target of biofuel supply change. It ends with hope for the future of environment, health and safety  and a timeline for biofuels commercialization all and all it was a fairly easy article to read and there is a link to contact information for the Office of the Assistant Secretary Energy Effciency and Renewable Energy, the USDA and The Biomass research and development Initiative.

International conference on Sustainable cities


Is it plausible that the future cities of the world would be green? 
Could  all the all of the Lower Ninth ward be built to house average americans with modest incomes?

The International Conference on sustainable Cities to be held on Sunday October 25, 2009 till Thursday October 29th 2009 will discuss issues and will have many workshops and lectures. 
Location: Latin University of America Campus Morelia Michoacan Mexico 

Downside for us is that it is in Mexico, and that it does cost quite a bit of money, but the fact that it is happening is a really good sign, plus there are many corporations with funding involved.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sustainability a definition

When Lori Beck came she mentioned that we did not really have a definition of sustainability. Hopefully as the semster progress I will have a better understanding of this term.Here is one definition from Wikipedia.

, in a broad sense, is the capacity to endure. In ecology, the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. For humans it is the potential for long-term maintenance of wellbeing, which in turn depends on the wellbeing of the natural world and the responsible use of natural resources.

the full article is longer than this introductory paragraph 

Artist I am digging

This is just one example of  artwork by Mara Adamtz Scrupe, this is a solar powered sculpture made from resin tree, it also has a solar powered irrigation system built into it. Why you would need to water it I have no idea, but this and the others projects  on here website where beautiful, formal and conceptually.

This particular piece is located in Savannah Georgia at the College of Art and Design. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

PLATFORM- Oil & Poverty

This is a link to an article by the group PLATFORM. There goal is reducing the impact of oil corporation. As has been mentioned in class in the past several weeks the impoverished are the ones that suffer the brunt of others profit. This site explains clearly the local,national,regional, and global impact of mining for fossil fuels


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"World Climate Bank" could manage CO2 emissions

A "world climate bank," the WBGU suggested, could help manage "accounts" and emissions reduction targets. The scientists hope the German government will take the proposal to the international climate summit in Copenhagen in December.

Bill to Pass




You Be the Judge 

This is a link to the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act. This is the full bill that senator John Kerry is proposing.

Link to website Itself

Kentuckiana Green Website


Another web-site blog.

This is a nice one because it gives links to other blog sites and interesting dinner table conversation topics.

Terri Blanton: website link social justice activist

 I heard a moving speech from social/enviromental activist Terry Blanton. She has fought long and hard for those who have suffered at the hand of big business and coal mining companies.

Her big cause is moving away from the use of fossil fuels 
The artwork at the LVAA show Americans Who Tell The Truth. She was an individual who was painted by artist Robert Shetterly.

Mountain Top Removal: In your backyard.

Artist  Cynthia Ryan Kelly that I saw in 2006 at the Louisville Visual Art Association show at the water tower.

This artwork falls more along the style of folk-art. It was a very moving show.

Under each of the painting where captions which describe the kind of things that happen to those who live around these destruction sight